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· 한양대 협력 명지병원 인턴 및 레지던트
· 서울아산병원 정형외과 전임의
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· 서울 병무청 병역판정의
· 경기도 의료원 파주병원 정형외과 과장
· 제주한라병원 정형외과 과장


· 대한 정형외과학회 정회원
· 대한 슬관절학회 정회원
· 대한 스포츠의학회 정회원
· 대한 정형외과 스포츠의학회 정회원
· 대한 정형통증의학회 평생회원
· 호남 슬관절연구회 평생회원
· AO Trauma Advanced course 수료


2015.06/ The Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)/ SCIE 논문/ 공저자/ Reliability of classification of ring and little finger carpometacarpal joint fracture subluxations: a comparison between two-dimensional computed tomography and three-dimensional computed tomography classifications
2017.01/ 대한정형외과학회지/ 교신저자/ 수근부 결절종 개방절제술 후 잔존통증의 원인
2018.06/ The Journal of Hand Surgery (Asian-Pacific Volume)/ 공저자/ A Large Size Lipoma at Spinoglenoid Notch Mimicked Traumatic Rotator Cuff Tear
2021.08/ The Journal of Arthroplasty/ SCIE 논문/ 제1저자/ Patellar Fracture After Total Knee Arthroplasty With Retention: A Retrospective Analysis of 2954 Consecutive Cases
2021.12/ Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery/ SCI 논문/ 제1저자/ Learning Curve For Lateral Meniscal Allograft Transplantation: Preventing Meniscal Extrusion
2021.12/ Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research/ SCIE 논문/ 공저자/ Flexion contracture can be relieved by concurrent notchplasty in medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy
2022.05/ Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery/ SCI 논문/ 공저자/ Insufficient Correction and Preoperative Medial Tightness Increases the Risk of Varus Recurrence in Open-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy
2023.01/ Orthopaedic Journal of Sports medicine/ SCIE 논문/ 제 1저자/ Subtotal meniscectomised medial meniscus was associated with decreased joint space after medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy.
2023.02/ Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery/ SCI논문/ 공저자/ Graft extrusion of 3 mm is acceptable at a minimum 5-year outcomes for lateral allograft transplantation
2023.02/ Knee surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc./ SCIE 논문/ 공저자/ Signal intensity of lateral meniscal allografts deteriorates over time: a longitudinal MRI analysis during a minimum follow-up of 8 years
2024.01/ Orthopaedic Journal of Sports medicine/ SCIE 논문/ 제1저자/ Midterm clinical and radiological outcomes of revision lateral meniscal allograft transplantation.
2023 / Journal of musculoskeletal research/ Scopus 논문/교신저자/ DIfficulty in the differential diagnosis of Brodie's abscess of proximal tibia


  • DIfficulty in the differential diagnosis of Brodie's abscess of proximal tibia. 대한정형외과 학회. 포스터 발표
  • AO trauma course – Advanced principles of fracture management 2023.03.
  • ISTA The annual congress, 08.30-09.03, 2022 Patellar Fracture After Total Knee Arthroplasty With Retention:
    A Retrospective Analysis of 2954 Consecutive Cases
  • ESSKA Virtual congress 2021. 11-15 March, 2021.
  • E-poster. Absolute meniscal extrusion after lateral meniscal
    allograft transplantation does not progress during long-term follow-up:
    average of 11 years’ follow-up longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study
  • 오전 09:00 - 오후 07:00
  • 오전 09:00 - 오후 01:00
  • 오후 01:00 - 오후 02:00

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